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12th EM MCQ

1. Creating HTML forms using KompoZer

2. Cascading Style Sheets and Java script 

3. Designing simple website using KompoZer 

4. Introduction to E-Commerce

5. Introduction to M-Commerce 

6. Object-Oriented concepts 

7. Java Basics 

8. Classes and object in Java

9. Working with Array and String

10. Exception handling in Java

11. File Handling

12. Publishing documents using LaTex

13. Other useful free tools and services 


12th EM Materials

1. Creating HTML forms using KompoZer

2. Cascading Style Sheets and Java script 

3. Designing simple website using KompoZer 

4. Introduction to E-Commerce

5. Introduction to M-Commerce 

6. Object-Oriented concepts 

7. Java Basics 

8. Classes and object in Java

9. Working with Array and String

10. Exception handling in Java

11. File Handling

12. Publishing documents using LaTex

13. Other useful free tools and services 

11th EM MCQ

1. Introduction to Multimedia

2. Animation Tool: Synfig

3. Creating Animation Using Synfig

4. Introduction to Layers

5. Using Pictures in Synfig

6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Commands

7. Vim editor and Basic Scripting

8. Advanced Scripting

9. Introduction to Database Management System

10. Working with Tables

11. Retrieving Data Using Queries

12. Forms and Reports

13. Current Trends and Technologies


11th EM Materials

1. Introduction to Multimedia

2. Animation Tool: Synfig

3. Creating Animation Using Synfig

4. Introduction to Layers

5. Using Pictures in Synfig

6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Commands

7. Vim editor and Basic Scripting

8. Advanced Scripting

9. Introduction to Database Management System

10. Working with Tables

11. Retrieving Data Using Queries

12. Forms and Reports

13. Current Trends and Technologies

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Amit Vaghela Education


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